
Introduction toCryptography 

                                       Cryptography       is such an.   important part of   building web applications that a referenceable overview section.   in      the.    document      seemed appropriate.

                                     Cryptography is no silver bullet. A common phrase of "Sure, we'll  encrypt  it  then,   that'll  solve  the problem" is all  too   easy  to bapply    to common scenarios. But cryptography is hard to   get   right in the  real world.  To encrypt a piece of data typically requires the system to have   established.  out of band.     trust     relationships    or   have exchanged  keys.  securely.

                             The cryptography industry has recently been swamped with snake-oil vendors pushing fantastical claims about their products when a cursory glance often highlights   significant   weaknesses.  If a vendor     mentions      "military grade"  or "unbreakable" start to run!  A great FAQ is available on snake oil cryptography 

                                      A good cryptography is based on being reliant on the secrecy of the key and not the algorithm for security. This is an important point. 

                                     A good algorithm is one which can be publicly scrutinized and proven to be secure. If a vendor says "trust us, we've had experts look at this",chances are they weren't experts!

Cryptography can be used to provide:

  • Confidentiality - ensure data is read only by authorized parties,

  • Data integrity - ensure data wasn't altered between sender and recipient,

  • Authentication - ensure data originated from a particular party.

                                A cryptographic system (or a cipher system) is a method of hiding data so that only certain  people can view it. Cryptography is the practice of creating and using cryptographic systems.          

                                Cryptanalysis is the science of    analyzing    and        reverse engineering cryptographic systems. The original   data   is.  called  plaintext. The protected.    data is     called  ciphertext. Encryption is a.   procedure to    convert plaintext into ciphertext. Decryption is a procedure to convert ciphertext into plaintext.

                                A cryptographic system typically consists of algorithms, keys, and key management facilities.

There are two basic types of cryptographic systems: 

1. Symmetric ("private key") and 

2. Asymmetric ("public key").

                               Symmetric key systems require both the sender and the recipient to have the same key. This key is used by the sender to encrypt the data, and again by the recipient to decrypt the data.    Key exchange is clearly a problem. How do you securely send a key that will  enable you to send other data securely? If a.  private key is intercepted or stolen, the adversary can act as either party and   view all.  data and communications. You   can    think.  of the symmetric   crypto  system as akin  to the Chubb type of door locks. You must be in possession of a key to both open and lock the door.

                            Asymmetric cryptographic systems are.     considered.   much    more flexible. Each user.   has both  a public key and a private key. Messages are encrypted with one key and can be decrypted only by the other.   key. The.  public key.    can.   be published widely while.    the private key is kept secret.    For eg :-     If Alice wishes to send Bob a secret, she finds and verifies Bob's public key,.  encrypts.    her message with it, and mails it off to Bob.    When Bob gets the message, he uses  his private key to decrypt it. Verification  of public keys is an important step. Failure to verify that the public key really does belong to Bob leaves open the.   possibility that   Alice is using a key whose associated private key  is in the hands      of       an.     enemy.     Public Key Infrastructures  or   PKI's deal   with.   this problem by providing certification authorities that sign keys by a supposedly trusted party and make them available for download or verification. 

                                  Asymmetric ciphers are much slower than     their symmetric counterparts and key sizes are generally much larger. You can think of a public key system as akin to a Yale.    type door lock. Anyone can push the door locked, but you must be in possession   of the correct key to open the door.


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